December 18, 2023

By Haley Dittbrenner ’25

In an impressive start to her college career, Brianna Le ’26 jumped straight into a leadership position by founding Susquehanna’s chapter of Future Business Leaders of America.

Basil Holobetz, lecturer in management and marketing, worked closely with Le, and took note of her hard work.

“Brianna worked unceasingly to bring the SU FBLA chapter to life in record time, and the formulation of her officers and team was simply amazing,” Holobetz says. “I am confident that Brianna will continue to grow the chapter and am so proud of the positive example she sets for her peers.”

Le’s involvement in her high school chapter boosted her confidence and motivated her to pursue international business as a major. When Le was admitted to Susquehanna, she noticed that the university did not have an existing FBLA chapter and took it upon herself to start one. The international business major from Douglassville, Pennsylvania, says the benefits to students are innumerable.

“I believe in FBLA’s values of building students to become the next community-minded business leaders,” Le says. “It has been an honor to watch current FBLA members grow as business professionals who are compassionate, driven and committed to our organization.”

Members of FBLA attend conferences, workshops and networking events with other students and business professionals. On Susquehanna’s campus, members have hosted fundraisers, activities fairs and a donation drive to provide professional clothing for students attending job interviews. Meetings often feature guest speakers and updates on business-related conferences and events.

Her leadership extends beyond the campus of Susquehanna. Also during her first year, Le was appointed vice president of Pennsylvania FBLA Collegiate.

“I was very excited to get started with helping PA FBLA Collegiate,” Le says. “After several days of networking and getting to know FBLA members from other local chapters, I was ready to start putting the work in to improve their FBLA experience at the state level.”

In her role as vice president, Le serves as a communication liaison between local chapters and the state association. Some of her assignments have included planning conferences, attending state meetings and assisting the Pennsylvania FBLA Collegiate president.

“Starting FBLA at Susquehanna University has been a great experience for me and my fellow business students,” Le says. “When starting the FBLA chapter, I was met instantly with immense support from students, faculty and staff. I owe the success of the chapter to my fellow officers — without them, FBLA would have taken longer to get approved as a club on campus.”

The executive members of Susquehanna’s FBLA chapter are Jacob Craig ’26, vice president; Kagan Watkins ’26, secretary; Fernando Dysico ’26, treasurer; Paul Matra ’26, Keziah Sommers ’26, social media reporter; and Madeline Rowan ’26, parliamentarian.