

在国外生活和工作期间, 埃里克·斯坦1969年 came to appreciate the importance of global business competency and cultural experiences. 在2006年去世之前, he created the Eric Stein Fund for 国际 Experience, which allows students in the 西格蒙德·韦斯商学院 to intern with companies around the globe. This past year, 12 students were named Stein Fellows and spent their summers working abroad.

塔蒂亚娜·佩雷斯,25岁, a double major in management and communications from Ridgefield, 新泽西, has always been drawn to the allure of travel. For her, traveling meant fulfilling opportunities that her parents might not have had.

“成长, 我的父母, 谁来自西班牙农村, courageously moved to 纽约 with limited means during their late teens,佩雷斯说. “Embarking on a journey like this to 澳大利亚 was unimaginable for 我的父母. Boarding the flight allowed me to fulfill their unrealized dreams.”

佩雷斯在ARIA研究公司实习, 一个悉尼, 澳大利亚-based startup company that provides sound-focused assistive technology for blind individuals. 她承担了各种各样的任务, including data organization and distribution, 进行实地调查.

“My internship experience has taught me the valuable lesson that ‘what you put into something is what you get out of it.’ I have witnessed the direct relationship between my personal effort and the quality of my outcomes,佩雷斯说.

毕业后, Perez hopes to work in research and product development, especially in the fields of fashion and cosmetics.

国际商务专业 伊莱·马克尔25岁, 的Selinsgrove, 宾西法尼亚, 在西班牙的Sponsify实习, a network dedicated to connecting advertisers with customers. 作为一名沟通和商业倡导者, Markle said his main role was gathering information on potential customers.

Other assignments included creating customer profiles, preparing presentations and working with his team to create materials for customers.

Since he was in high school, Markle said he had a fascination with Spain and its culture. “I have always been intrigued when learning about the culture of Spain. With such a rich history and a vibrant culture, Barcelona has been an amazing place to live.”

He credits his Global Opportunities and international business courses he’s taken at Susquehanna for building his confidence and preparing him to work abroad. After graduating, Markle hopes to pursue a graduate program in business administration.

“I am most grateful for the valuable insight into the professional field,马克尔谈到他的实习时说. “Being able to get an up-close look at how people communicate and articulate ideas is an exposure I am thankful for. I want to thank the Stein family for their incredible generosity and support that gives me and other students opportunities to learn these valuable lessons.”

劳伦·伊姆霍夫24岁, an international business major from Selinsgrove, 宾西法尼亚, 在柏林度过了她的夏天, 德国, 成为马德拉岛的第一位实习生, 可持续发展的家具公司. She worked closely with the owners took on a multitude of tasks, 包括编辑, 业务发展, 销售, 市场营销和客户拓展.

Rua Maderia is an international company, with ties spanning across Europe and Brazil. “I didn’t realize how international and cosmopolitan Berlin is,” Imhoof said. “I appreciated how many cultures go into making this company successful. It was truly an international internship experience.”

Imhoof aspires to lead in an international company, noting that her experience in Berlin has prepared her for success in a global business market.

市场营销专业 米拉·尼尔森,25岁, 的Wyalusing, 宾西法尼亚, promised herself as a child that she would travel in 澳大利亚 by the time she reached her 20s. The Stein Fellowship made her dream a reality by giving her the opportunity to intern in Sydney, 澳大利亚, 与Decarbify, a company that helps organizations regulate their carbon emissions. 对于Decarbify, Neilson developed the main marketing strategy for the startup company, a project that required her to identify the company’s primary target market, 制定有效的定价策略, build market traction and enhance Decarbify’s social media.

“This internship has taught me the importance of self-reflection and self-improvement,” Neilson said. “By continually receiving feedback from my supervisors and evaluating my own personal performance, I have gained a better understanding of my own strengths and areas for growth, 为进一步发展创造空间.”

毕业后, Neilson hopes to work as a marketing professional in the field of sustainability.

市场营销专业 妮可·斯潘格勒,24岁, of Pocomoke City, Maryland, interned with the Pearse Lyons Distillery in Dublin, Ireland. In her role as a 业务发展 intern, Spangler spent her workdays analyzing data from social media accounts, 准备宣传资料, updating databases and assisting with distillery events.

Spangler described a highly welcoming work environment at the distillery. “Everyone is willing to take the time to teach me what they know, 他们热爱自己的工作,”她说。.

Spangler’s studies in marketing at Susquehanna equipped her with the skills that proved helpful in her internship; she came into her position already knowing how to create a marketing plan for a company with no preexisting promotional foundation. 从浩博体育app毕业后, 斯潘格勒希望从事市场营销工作, 理想的职业篮球队.

奥利维亚·阿格诺尼,23岁, 的Muncy, 宾西法尼亚, 国际商务专业, interned in the human resources department at Global Scout, 一家位于首尔的国际招聘公司, 韩国.

“Interning for a firm with global branches gave me an opportunity to work in the setting my international business degree is preparing me for,阿格诺尼说. Her internship in human resources kept her workdays full; daily tasks included entering and organizing client résumés, interviewing executives and designing web pages and other online materials. Outside of the workplace, Agnoni spent her evenings exploring Korean culture to the fullest.

Agnoni explained how Susquehanna’s GO program prepared her for her time in 韩国.

“Because of the research we had to complete on our internship country, I was able to get an outsider view of what 韩国n culture was all about,阿格诺尼说. “I was still uncomfortable during my first few days in the city, but as I continued to refer back to the research I completed on the country, I found it much easier to digest the culture shock.”

毕业后, Agnoni hopes to return to Southeast Asia and continue working there. “Korea is one of my top goal destinations where I would like to settle down and work one day, so a two-month internship program based in Seoul felt like it was perfect for me to prepare myself for my potential future here.”

艾玛·霍顿,24岁, an international business major from Cameron Mills, 纽约, interned for SSVN Survival Skills Social Enterprise in Vietnam. SSVN is a startup organization dedicated to spreading first-aid knowledge and training. 在她实习期间, 霍顿联系了合作伙伴和赞助商, organized exhibits and marketed wellness courses.

One challenge Horton faced was the language barrier. “Everyone was patient and willing to help me learn,” Horton said. “Everyone is so welcoming; the people I have met in Vietnam have made this such an unbelievable experience.”

Horton hopes to work for more nonprofit organizations in the future.

市场营销专业 麦迪逊·朗根哈根,24年, 的Catawissa, 宾西法尼亚, 整个夏天她都在CeADAR实习, 爱尔兰的一家数据分析公司. She was assigned two main projects — designing an optimized hiring process for CeADAR’s summer interns and creating “personas” that would accurately capture audience needs, 行为和偏好.

“This experience has helped me prepare for my career goals in several ways,” Longenhagen said. “Studying abroad has enhanced my adaptability skills as I navigated a completely new environment both personally and professionally. My internship has provided me with hands-on work experience, allowing me to tackle real-world projects that have improved my critical-thinking and problem-solving skills.”

After graduating, Longenhagen hopes to work in the field of social media and digital marketing.

金融专业 康纳·麦考密克,25岁 interned with CountPlus accounting and advice firms in 澳大利亚. He worked closely with the finance team updating company reports and writing data formulas.

“The greatest lesson I learned throughout my internship experience is how people in positions of leadership want to help you succeed and help you accomplish your goals,麦考密克说. “在我实习期间, I had numerous conversations with the CFO about ways I can accomplish my goals. My boss and other members of the team pitched in and were always willing to help me solve an issue and answer any question I threw at them.”

麦考密克, 中央谷, 宾西法尼亚, credits the 西格蒙德·韦斯商学院 for preparing him for his internship in Sydney. He came into his internship familiar with the material and was able to adapt quickly. 麦考密克 plans to pursue a career in investment banking before transitioning into private equity or the hedge fund sector.

“I know that it will take an insane work ethic and a lot of commitment, but I am excited to see what the future holds,他说.

斯坦因的其他研究员 汉娜·盖兹,24岁, an international business major from Pittston, 宾西法尼亚, who interned in 韩国; 朱利叶斯·格洛弗,25岁,一个奢侈品牌的营销 & management major from Philadelphia, who interned in Singapore; and Erin Rowe, 24岁, a management major from Proctorville, Ohio, who interned in New Zealand.