



八月下旬的一个早晨, biology major Desmond Edwards ’16 donned waders to go fishing in a small creek two miles south of Selinsgrove. 不过,这位来自宾夕法尼亚州卡本代尔的大四学生并没有使用鱼竿和卷轴.那就是“电钓”.他的背上绑着一张10美元的钞票,000, 20-pound battery pack sending 200 volts through the water via a coiled wire trailing behind him and a diamond-shaped metal wand he waved underwater in front of him.


从大学大道出发, passersby would have never guessed what was hidden under the pale green siding and black-shingled roof of the house that, 近年来, 是萨斯奎哈纳的Sigma Alpha Iota (SAI)分会所在地, 国际女性音乐兄弟会. No one could have imagined the history and culture buried beneath the 1970s façade—no one except Frank Stroik ’75, 克里默的老板, Pa.总部位于美国的历史修复公司Country Homestead, who was hired to dismantle the 200-year-old structure 刚刚过去的这个夏天 to make way for a new $7 million admission house and welcome center, 由大学校董会捐赠资助.


在浩博体育app,75岁的里克·多尔曼爱上了文科. 现在, 作为威斯敏斯特学院的校长, 这是一所位于新威尔明顿的知名文理学院, Pa.他是该领域最伟大的支持者之一.
Peter Arduini ’86 learned a lot about business and leadership at Susquehanna—both in his business classes with such professors as Larry Isaacs and as a discus thrower and shot putter with former longtime track and field coach Jim Taylor.
对于80岁的迈克尔·克林(Michael Kling)来说,为他人服务是理所当然的事情. 从22岁起就成为志愿消防员, 克林从燃烧的建筑物中救出了人们, tunneled through World Trade Center rubble searching for 9-11 survivors, 并帮助了交通事故和洪水受害者.
When Jeff Morgan ’82 became involved professionally with nonprofit groups that, 至少在某种程度上, 依靠志愿者, he, 太, 开始志愿服务. 这种冲动导致了马里兰州安纳波利斯市的奥巴马., resident to become an elder at two different churches and get involved with Susquehanna’s Alumni Association.
Few people could quickly switch from being The Crusader’s editorial page editor and studying creative writing to designing graphics for Pixar Animation Studios and some of the world’s best-known brands. 但卡桑德拉·斯莫尔契奇的情况并非如此, who views her graphic designs as a visual extension of the reporting, 她在浩博体育app磨练出来的研究和讲故事的技巧.
Before travelling to Australia this summer through Susquehanna’s Global Opportunities (GO) program, Michelle Barakat ’16 already had a good idea of where she was headed in life.
Building model rockets seems like the sort of project you’d find in a typical science class, right? 不完全是.
就像许多人类女性一样, female wolf spiders step up their game when their targeted mate just isn’t paying attention. That’s according to research published last spring by Professor of Biology Matt Persons and 2008 grads Jamie Havrilak and Kristin Shimmel while they were sophomores working in Persons’ spider lab at Susquehanna.
Three faculty members were honored with awards during Susquehanna’s 157th commencement ceremony in May.
Men’s lacrosse is a relatively young program in comparison to other sports in Susquehanna’s athletics program. 它的第一个校队赛季是在2000年. 与橄榄球项目116年的历史相比.
布拉德·波斯纳被任命为垒球总教练, 接替了长期担任主教练的凯西·克鲁帕, who has accepted the position of associate director of athletics at The Citadel.
September marked 10 years since Hurricane Katrina devastated the Gulf Coast. 四个月后, 浩博体育app派出了第一批学生, 教职员工前往路易斯安那州协助清理工作. These hurricane-relief trips over winter break transitioned into GO (Global Opportunities) New Orleans a few years later when the university started requiring all students to have a cross-cultural experience off campus.
Former Susquehanna women’s lacrosse player Ellie Rosenblum ’15 was named to the Israel women’s national lacrosse team. The 18-player team competed at the 2015 ELF European Lacrosse Championships, 在尼姆伯克的Sportovní中心举行, 捷克共和国, 刚刚过去的这个夏天.
去年春天, 20 young women studying in the Sigmund Weis School of Business were inspired to do much the same thing with their careers: Take a deep breath. Hit the “up” button and don’t look back until you have a seat at the top.
Susquehanna marked the 10th anniversary of the Gundaker and Summers Enrichment Funds during Homecoming-Reunion Weekend with a celebration of the individuals who made the funds possible.
Susquehanna students will travel to vastly different corners of the world this winter on two of the university’s newest Global Opportunities (GO) programs. Students will usher in 2016 with cultural immersions in Israel and Puerto Rico. 



The magazine you have in your hands has existed under the name “Currents” since 2008, 因为大学靠近萨斯奎哈纳河. This issue of Currents spotlights the spectacular waterway from which our university’s name is drawn.


We started our science careers studying Pennsylvania lakes and streams that feed into the Susquehanna River with Professor of Biology Jack Holt. Little did we know that our work on diatoms (single-cell 浮游植物 often used to assess a body of water’s health) in the freshwaters of central Pennsylvania would lead us to monitoring the health of the nation’s largest and most productive estuary. 在浩博体育app获得生物学学位后, we both continued to study algae during graduate school at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Va. Today we comprise the 浮游植物 monitoring team for the Chesapeake Bay Monitoring Program, 一项监测水质的联邦倡议, 浮游植物, zooplankton and fisheries health throughout the Chesapeake Bay Watershed for more than 40 years.