Math and Computer Sciences


  • PHD, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
  • MS, Texas Tech University
  • BS, Iowa State University of Science & Technology

Associate Professor Math and Computer Science

Contact Information

I grew up in little towns in Iowa. How little? Well, the last town I lived in had a population of 150. My high school graduating class had 20 people in it, which means I was the top 5 percent of my graduating class. 这是我在爱荷华州立大学第一年获得100美元奖学金的好机会.

I started college majoring in computer engineering, 但两年半后,我转到了数学和计算机科学专业. Math because I liked it, 更多的是计算机科学,因为我认为如果我去找工作,它会是一个很好的学位. 我的研究生学的是数学,但我仍然在做计算机科学相关的工作. 我的兴趣主要集中在数学和计算机科学重叠的一个尘土飞扬的角落里.


Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Troy, New York
PhD Mathematics, 1992. Dissertation : Two Dimensional Scattering and Invariant Imbedding.
Dissertation Advisor : Margaret Cheney

Texas Tech University

Lubbock, Texas
MS Mathematics, 1986. Master’s Thesis : Long Term Stability of Numerical Solutions of Differential Equations

Thesis Advisor : Clyde Martin

Iowa State University

Ames, Iowa
BS 1984. Majors in Computer Science and Mathematics

Work Experience

Susquehanna University

Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania
Acting Head of Phyics 2009 - 2014

Associate Professor and Head Of Mathematical Sciences 2007- present.

Assistant Professor, 2001 - 2007.
Classes Taught: See attached sheet

Western Carolina University

Cullowhee, North Carolina
Assistant Professor, 1992 - 1998.
Tenured Assistant Professor, 1998 - 2001.
Classes Taught: See attached sheet

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Troy, New York
Teaching Assistant, 1986 - 1992.
Classes taugh : See attached sheet

Texas Tech University

Lubbock, Texas
Teaching Assistant , 1984 - 1986.
Classes taught: See attached sheet.

Professional Development


Graham, Jeff, 第八届大学数学技术国际学术会议论文集, online, (1995)

Graham, Jeff, 第九届大学数学技术国际学术会议电子论文集, online, (1996)

Graham, Jeff and Barnes, Julia, 使用RLC电路的微分方程学生的实验室体验 Vol VII Number 4 (1997) pp334-340.

Graham, Jeff, Some Tools for a Scientific Computing Class第十届大学数学技术国际会议论文集. (1997)

Graham, Jeff, 第13届大学数学技术国际会议电子论文集, online, (2000)

Graham, Jeff, Self-Integrating Polynomials, The College Math Journal, Vol. 36 No. 4 September 2005 p.318-320

Graham, Jeff, Lerch, Michael Parameter Recovery for a Differential Equation Model, PRIMUS, XVII(2): p.148-156, 2007.*Graham, Jeff; Hack, Alan; Wilson, Jennifer An Application of Burnside’s Theorem to Music Theory, The UMAP Journal 29 (1) p. 61 - 73, 2008.*

Frey, M. R., Miller, A. K., Mentch, L. K., Graham, J. A. (2010). Score Operators of a Qubit and Some Applications. Quantum Information Processing, 9(5), 629-641.

Frey, M., Miller, A., Mentch, L., Graham, J. A. (2010). Score operators of a qubit with applications. Proceedings of the Physical and Engineering Sciences Section, 2010 Joint Statistical Meetings, 1107-1117.

Winegar, L. T., Ramsaran, D., Graham, J. A. (2011). Collaborative Leadership: Negotiating the Minefield. The Department Chair, 21(2), 19-22.

Graham, J., Richie, N. (2014). The Binomial Option Pricing Model. UMAP Journal 35.1, 23-39.

[1] Entries with * indicate a publication with a student.


1. Mathematical Methods for the Natural and Engineering Sciences by Ronald Mickens Reviewed March, 2005.
2. Problems and Solutions in Scientific Computing by Willi-Hans Steeb et al. Reviewed March, 2005.
3. Ants, Bikes, and Clocks: Problem Solving for Undergraduates by William Briggs Reviewed May, 2005.
4. Introduction to Programming and Numerical Methods in MATLAB by S. Otto and J. Denier. Reviewed May, 2005.
5. Iterative Methods for Approximate Solution of Inverse Problems by A.B. Bakushinsky Reviewed January, 2006.
6. Partial Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems by David Powers. Reviewed February, 2006.
7. Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations by K.W. Morton and D.F.Mayers. Reviewed March, 2006.
8. The Numerical Solution of Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations by Granville Sewill. Reviewed March, 2006.
9. Finite Difference Schemes and Partial Differential Equations, 2nd Ed by John Strikwerda. Reviewed July, 2006.


  • 3/24/93 “Determining the Numerical Rank of a Matrix “, Departmental Colloquium given at Western Carolina University.
  • 10/20/93 “Some Applications of the Mean Value Theorem”, Departmental Colloquium given at Western Carolina University.
  • 1995年11月18日“微分方程课程中反问题的应用”, 在休斯顿举行的第八届大学数学技术国际会议上发表的, Texas.
  • 5/3/96“微分方程课程中反问题的应用”, invited talk presented at the University of Texas Pan American in Edinburg, Texas. This was an expanded version of the talk given in Houston.
  • 11/8/96 “Using Visual Basic to Create GUI’s for MATLAB”, 在里诺举行的第九届大学数学技术国际会议上发表, Nevada.
  • 1997年8月2日“多项式插值和Weierstrass近似定理的深入研究”, 在亚特兰大举行的美国数学协会数学节上提出的, Georgia.
  • 11/8/97 “Some Tools for a Scientific Computing Class”, 在芝加哥举行的第10届大学数学技术国际会议上发表, Illinois.
  • 11/17/00 “Regression Using Excel’s Solver”, 在亚特兰大举行的第13届大学数学技术国际会议上发表, Georgia.
  • 3/22/01 “Regression Using Excel’s Solver”, 2001年在斯平代尔等温社区学院举行的北卡罗莱纳州两年制大学数学协会会议上提出, NC.
  • 3/31/01 “Spreadsheet Activities for your Math Class”, 在蒙哥马利举行的美国数学协会东南分会上发表, Alabama.
  • 8/03/02 “Integration in L2[0,1] is Almost Easy”, 在伯灵顿举行的美国数学协会数学大会上提出的, Vermont.
  • 8/05/02 “The Mystery of fxxfyy - (fxy)2 Solved”, 在伯灵顿举行的美国数学协会数学大会上提出的, Vermont.

Conferences Attended

  • 1993年4月2日至3月3日参加在卡罗莱纳海岸大学举行的美国数学协会东南区域会议.
  • 1993年6月6日至18日获美国国家科学基金会资助,参加由美国数学学会和工业与应用数学学会在马萨诸塞州霍利奥克山学院举办的暑期研讨会.
  • 1994年1月12日在辛辛那提参加美国数学学会-美国数学协会联合会议, Ohio.
  • 4/94参加在Carson Newman学院举行的美国数学协会东南分会会议.
  • 11/95出席在休斯顿举行的第八届大学数学技术国际会议, Texas.
  • 3/96参加在南卡罗来纳州克莱姆森举行的工业与应用数学学会东南分会会议.
  • 11/96出席内华达州里诺市第九届国际拼贴数学技术会议
  • 8/97参加在乔治亚州亚特兰大举行的美国数学协会Mathfest.
  • 11/97参加在芝加哥举行的第十届大学数学技术国际会议, Illinois.
  • 11/00参加在亚特兰大举行的第13届大学数学技术国际会议, Georgia.
  • 3/01参加2001年在斯平代尔等温社区学院举行的NCMATCYC会议, North Carolina.
  • 3/01参加2001年在阿拉巴马州蒙哥马利举行的MAA东南分会会议.
  • 8/02参加在佛蒙特州伯灵顿举行的美国数学协会的Mathfest.
  • 7/03在荷兰霍普学院参加美国数学协会专业发展研讨会“创建整合数学和生物学的课程”, Michigan.
  • 8/03 Attended SENCER conference in San Jose, California
  • 4/05 Attended NCUR in Lexington, Virginia


  • NSF travel grant, $850, 以支付参加在霍利奥克山学院举行的美国数学学会夏季研讨会的费用. (1993)
  • WCU小额奖助金,$400,用于参加在俄亥俄州辛辛那提举行的会议上的迷你课程. (1993)
  • Macsyma Academic Grant Program, $5500 from Macsyma, Incorporated. (1995)
  • 微软学术合作教学实验室资助97696,$103,250 (1997)
  • 苏移民,500美元,用于支付参加荷兰理工学院MAA预备课程的费用(2003年)
  • SU Faculty Research Grant, $3000, Course Release to work on bee behavior model in the spring semester 2005.
  • 浩博体育app/ CSIU教师培训资助讲师2006年6月,2007年,2008年.
  • Co-PI on NSF REU grant, total award $150,000. Summers 2008 - 2009.
  • PI on NSF REU grant (same as above) 2010.



  • I served on the Admissions Committee for the academic year 2004-2005.
  • I served on University Council for the academic year 2005 - 2006.
  • I served on Faculty Development and Research from 2002 - 2004.
  • I have served on four department search committees.
  • I served on a search committee for Information Systems position Spring 2003.
  • I served on the Core Working Group in the Summer of 2006.
  • I served on the editorial board of the SU Press from 2002 - 2009.
  • I have served on the Education Committee from 2005 - present.
  • Acting Department Head Spring 2004
  • 协调并撰写教育部对教育部2004年春季- 2005年秋季审查的回应.
  • Appointed Head of Mathematical Sciences effective Fall 2007.
  • Served on Physics Search Committee Spring 2007.
  • Appointed Acting Head of Physics, July 2008. Started serving as such January 2009.
  • 2003年、2004年、2005年、2007年夏季大学先修课程统计考试读本.
  • Wrote the proposals to include Math 108, Math 111, Math112, Math 201, and Math 221 as Analytic Thought courses for the Central Curriculum.
  • 为《浩博体育app》、《浩博体育app网站》等新开设的跨学科课程撰写提案.
  • Wrote proposal for Math 500 to be oral intensive
  • Served on the Sustainability Committee 2009 - 2010.

Computer Skills

Programming languages: C/C++, Fortran, Visual Basic, VBA, HTML, Javascript, NetLogo, Python, R
Packages: MATLAB, MS Excel, Latex
Operating Systems: Linux, Windows 7

List of Courses Taught

At Susquehanna University

Math 105 Math and Music *,#
Math 105 Math and Voting *,#
Math 105 Iteration, Fractals, and Chaos*,#
Math 105 # Number Theory
Math 111 Calculus I
Math 112 Calculus II
Math 201 Linear Algebra
Math 108 Introduction to Statistics
Math 221 Discrete Structures #
Math 353 Differential Equations

CS 181 Principles of Computing
CS 151 Introduction to Programming#
CS 200 Multi-agent Modeling*
CS 281 Data Structures
CS 282 Computer Organization#
CS 351 Numerical Computing
CS 352 Numerical Analysis
CS 381 Algorithms #
CS 482 Theory of Computation #
CS 488 Computer Architecture #

PD 104 Core Perspectives*,#

* Courses I developed from scratch.
# Courses I taught for the first time.

At Western Carolina University

Math 101 Liberal Arts math
Math 130 College Algebra
Math145 Trigonometry
Math 146 Pre Calculus
Math 153 Calculus I
Math 170 Introduction to Statistics
Math 255 Calculus II
Math 256 Calculus III
Math 320 Differential Equations

Math 350 Operations Research
Math 441 Numerical Analysis
Math 462 Advanced Linear Algebra
Math 479 Capstone (directing Senior theses)
Math 508 Survey of Analysis
Math 640 Numerical Differential Equations
Math 646 Numerical Linear Algebra

CS 130 Introduction to Computers (Computer literacy including MS WORD, EXCEL, POWERPOINT, HTML, JavaScript, Visual Basic)
CS 150 Introduction to Programming (used C++)
CS 151 Data Structures (used C++)
CS 301 Topics in Computer Languages (Visual Basic)
CS 340 Introduction to Scientific Computing (used MATLAB and MS EXCEL)

About Me

I grew up in little towns in Iowa. How little? Well, the last town I lived in had a population of 150. My high school graduating class had 20 people in it, which means I was the top 5 percent of my graduating class. 这是我在爱荷华州立大学第一年获得100美元奖学金的好机会.

I started college majoring in computer engineering, 但两年半后,我转到了数学和计算机科学专业. Math because I liked it, 更多的是计算机科学,因为我认为如果我去找工作,它会是一个很好的学位. 我的研究生学的是数学,但我仍然在做计算机科学相关的工作. 我的兴趣主要集中在数学和计算机科学重叠的一个尘土飞扬的角落里.

Professional Experience


Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Troy, New York
PhD Mathematics, 1992. Dissertation : Two Dimensional Scattering and Invariant Imbedding.
Dissertation Advisor : Margaret Cheney

Texas Tech University

Lubbock, Texas
MS Mathematics, 1986. Master’s Thesis : Long Term Stability of Numerical Solutions of Differential Equations

Thesis Advisor : Clyde Martin

Iowa State University

Ames, Iowa
BS 1984. Majors in Computer Science and Mathematics

Work Experience

Susquehanna University

Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania
Acting Head of Phyics 2009 - 2014

Associate Professor and Head Of Mathematical Sciences 2007- present.

Assistant Professor, 2001 - 2007.
Classes Taught: See attached sheet

Western Carolina University

Cullowhee, North Carolina
Assistant Professor, 1992 - 1998.
Tenured Assistant Professor, 1998 - 2001.
Classes Taught: See attached sheet

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Troy, New York
Teaching Assistant, 1986 - 1992.
Classes taugh : See attached sheet

Texas Tech University

Lubbock, Texas
Teaching Assistant , 1984 - 1986.
Classes taught: See attached sheet.

Professional Development


Graham, Jeff, 第八届大学数学技术国际学术会议论文集, online, (1995)

Graham, Jeff, 第九届大学数学技术国际学术会议电子论文集, online, (1996)

Graham, Jeff and Barnes, Julia, 使用RLC电路的微分方程学生的实验室体验 Vol VII Number 4 (1997) pp334-340.

Graham, Jeff, Some Tools for a Scientific Computing Class第十届大学数学技术国际会议论文集. (1997)

Graham, Jeff, 第13届大学数学技术国际会议电子论文集, online, (2000)

Graham, Jeff, Self-Integrating Polynomials, The College Math Journal, Vol. 36 No. 4 September 2005 p.318-320

Graham, Jeff, Lerch, Michael Parameter Recovery for a Differential Equation Model, PRIMUS, XVII(2): p.148-156, 2007.*Graham, Jeff; Hack, Alan; Wilson, Jennifer An Application of Burnside’s Theorem to Music Theory, The UMAP Journal 29 (1) p. 61 - 73, 2008.*

Frey, M. R., Miller, A. K., Mentch, L. K., Graham, J. A. (2010). Score Operators of a Qubit and Some Applications. Quantum Information Processing, 9(5), 629-641.

Frey, M., Miller, A., Mentch, L., Graham, J. A. (2010). Score operators of a qubit with applications. Proceedings of the Physical and Engineering Sciences Section, 2010 Joint Statistical Meetings, 1107-1117.

Winegar, L. T., Ramsaran, D., Graham, J. A. (2011). Collaborative Leadership: Negotiating the Minefield. The Department Chair, 21(2), 19-22.

Graham, J., Richie, N. (2014). The Binomial Option Pricing Model. UMAP Journal 35.1, 23-39.

[1] Entries with * indicate a publication with a student.


1. Mathematical Methods for the Natural and Engineering Sciences by Ronald Mickens Reviewed March, 2005.
2. Problems and Solutions in Scientific Computing by Willi-Hans Steeb et al. Reviewed March, 2005.
3. Ants, Bikes, and Clocks: Problem Solving for Undergraduates by William Briggs Reviewed May, 2005.
4. Introduction to Programming and Numerical Methods in MATLAB by S. Otto and J. Denier. Reviewed May, 2005.
5. Iterative Methods for Approximate Solution of Inverse Problems by A.B. Bakushinsky Reviewed January, 2006.
6. Partial Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems by David Powers. Reviewed February, 2006.
7. Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations by K.W. Morton and D.F.Mayers. Reviewed March, 2006.
8. The Numerical Solution of Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations by Granville Sewill. Reviewed March, 2006.
9. Finite Difference Schemes and Partial Differential Equations, 2nd Ed by John Strikwerda. Reviewed July, 2006.


  • 3/24/93 “Determining the Numerical Rank of a Matrix “, Departmental Colloquium given at Western Carolina University.
  • 10/20/93 “Some Applications of the Mean Value Theorem”, Departmental Colloquium given at Western Carolina University.
  • 1995年11月18日“微分方程课程中反问题的应用”, 在休斯顿举行的第八届大学数学技术国际会议上发表的, Texas.
  • 5/3/96“微分方程课程中反问题的应用”, invited talk presented at the University of Texas Pan American in Edinburg, Texas. This was an expanded version of the talk given in Houston.
  • 11/8/96 “Using Visual Basic to Create GUI’s for MATLAB”, 在里诺举行的第九届大学数学技术国际会议上发表, Nevada.
  • 1997年8月2日“多项式插值和Weierstrass近似定理的深入研究”, 在亚特兰大举行的美国数学协会数学节上提出的, Georgia.
  • 11/8/97 “Some Tools for a Scientific Computing Class”, 在芝加哥举行的第10届大学数学技术国际会议上发表, Illinois.
  • 11/17/00 “Regression Using Excel’s Solver”, 在亚特兰大举行的第13届大学数学技术国际会议上发表, Georgia.
  • 3/22/01 “Regression Using Excel’s Solver”, 2001年在斯平代尔等温社区学院举行的北卡罗莱纳州两年制大学数学协会会议上提出, NC.
  • 3/31/01 “Spreadsheet Activities for your Math Class”, 在蒙哥马利举行的美国数学协会东南分会上发表, Alabama.
  • 8/03/02 “Integration in L2[0,1] is Almost Easy”, 在伯灵顿举行的美国数学协会数学大会上提出的, Vermont.
  • 8/05/02 “The Mystery of fxxfyy - (fxy)2 Solved”, 在伯灵顿举行的美国数学协会数学大会上提出的, Vermont.

Conferences Attended

  • 1993年4月2日至3月3日参加在卡罗莱纳海岸大学举行的美国数学协会东南区域会议.
  • 1993年6月6日至18日获美国国家科学基金会资助,参加由美国数学学会和工业与应用数学学会在马萨诸塞州霍利奥克山学院举办的暑期研讨会.
  • 1994年1月12日在辛辛那提参加美国数学学会-美国数学协会联合会议, Ohio.
  • 4/94参加在Carson Newman学院举行的美国数学协会东南分会会议.
  • 11/95出席在休斯顿举行的第八届大学数学技术国际会议, Texas.
  • 3/96参加在南卡罗来纳州克莱姆森举行的工业与应用数学学会东南分会会议.
  • 11/96出席内华达州里诺市第九届国际拼贴数学技术会议
  • 8/97参加在乔治亚州亚特兰大举行的美国数学协会Mathfest.
  • 11/97参加在芝加哥举行的第十届大学数学技术国际会议, Illinois.
  • 11/00参加在亚特兰大举行的第13届大学数学技术国际会议, Georgia.
  • 3/01参加2001年在斯平代尔等温社区学院举行的NCMATCYC会议, North Carolina.
  • 3/01参加2001年在阿拉巴马州蒙哥马利举行的MAA东南分会会议.
  • 8/02参加在佛蒙特州伯灵顿举行的美国数学协会的Mathfest.
  • 7/03在荷兰霍普学院参加美国数学协会专业发展研讨会“创建整合数学和生物学的课程”, Michigan.
  • 8/03 Attended SENCER conference in San Jose, California
  • 4/05 Attended NCUR in Lexington, Virginia


  • NSF travel grant, $850, 以支付参加在霍利奥克山学院举行的美国数学学会夏季研讨会的费用. (1993)
  • WCU小额奖助金,$400,用于参加在俄亥俄州辛辛那提举行的会议上的迷你课程. (1993)
  • Macsyma Academic Grant Program, $5500 from Macsyma, Incorporated. (1995)
  • 微软学术合作教学实验室资助97696,$103,250 (1997)
  • 苏移民,500美元,用于支付参加荷兰理工学院MAA预备课程的费用(2003年)
  • SU Faculty Research Grant, $3000, Course Release to work on bee behavior model in the spring semester 2005.
  • 浩博体育app/ CSIU教师培训资助讲师2006年6月,2007年,2008年.
  • Co-PI on NSF REU grant, total award $150,000. Summers 2008 - 2009.
  • PI on NSF REU grant (same as above) 2010.



  • I served on the Admissions Committee for the academic year 2004-2005.
  • I served on University Council for the academic year 2005 - 2006.
  • I served on Faculty Development and Research from 2002 - 2004.
  • I have served on four department search committees.
  • I served on a search committee for Information Systems position Spring 2003.
  • I served on the Core Working Group in the Summer of 2006.
  • I served on the editorial board of the SU Press from 2002 - 2009.
  • I have served on the Education Committee from 2005 - present.
  • Acting Department Head Spring 2004
  • 协调并撰写教育部对教育部2004年春季- 2005年秋季审查的回应.
  • Appointed Head of Mathematical Sciences effective Fall 2007.
  • Served on Physics Search Committee Spring 2007.
  • Appointed Acting Head of Physics, July 2008. Started serving as such January 2009.
  • 2003年、2004年、2005年、2007年夏季大学先修课程统计考试读本.
  • Wrote the proposals to include Math 108, Math 111, Math112, Math 201, and Math 221 as Analytic Thought courses for the Central Curriculum.
  • 为《浩博体育app》、《浩博体育app网站》等新开设的跨学科课程撰写提案.
  • Wrote proposal for Math 500 to be oral intensive
  • Served on the Sustainability Committee 2009 - 2010.

Computer Skills

Programming languages: C/C++, Fortran, Visual Basic, VBA, HTML, Javascript, NetLogo, Python, R
Packages: MATLAB, MS Excel, Latex
Operating Systems: Linux, Windows 7

List of Courses Taught

At Susquehanna University

Math 105 Math and Music *,#
Math 105 Math and Voting *,#
Math 105 Iteration, Fractals, and Chaos*,#
Math 105 # Number Theory
Math 111 Calculus I
Math 112 Calculus II
Math 201 Linear Algebra
Math 108 Introduction to Statistics
Math 221 Discrete Structures #
Math 353 Differential Equations

CS 181 Principles of Computing
CS 151 Introduction to Programming#
CS 200 Multi-agent Modeling*
CS 281 Data Structures
CS 282 Computer Organization#
CS 351 Numerical Computing
CS 352 Numerical Analysis
CS 381 Algorithms #
CS 482 Theory of Computation #
CS 488 Computer Architecture #

PD 104 Core Perspectives*,#

* Courses I developed from scratch.
# Courses I taught for the first time.

At Western Carolina University

Math 101 Liberal Arts math
Math 130 College Algebra
Math145 Trigonometry
Math 146 Pre Calculus
Math 153 Calculus I
Math 170 Introduction to Statistics
Math 255 Calculus II
Math 256 Calculus III
Math 320 Differential Equations

Math 350 Operations Research
Math 441 Numerical Analysis
Math 462 Advanced Linear Algebra
Math 479 Capstone (directing Senior theses)
Math 508 Survey of Analysis
Math 640 Numerical Differential Equations
Math 646 Numerical Linear Algebra

CS 130 Introduction to Computers (Computer literacy including MS WORD, EXCEL, POWERPOINT, HTML, JavaScript, Visual Basic)
CS 150 Introduction to Programming (used C++)
CS 151 Data Structures (used C++)
CS 301 Topics in Computer Languages (Visual Basic)
CS 340 Introduction to Scientific Computing (used MATLAB and MS EXCEL)

Courses Taught