September 01, 2020

By By Samantha Carpentiere ’20

This summer, 44 students from the Sigmund Weis School of Business participated in what Dean 马修Rousu called “an awesome experiment.” They experienced internships with companies across the globe, all while working remotely.

Elizabeth 路德维希 ’21, a luxury br和 市场营销 和 managementstrategic communications double major, took her events management knowledge to Hire Space in London. 租用空间, 路德维希 developed social media content, conducted business development on LinkedIn, researched 和 developed reopening guidelines for the UK events industry — as a result of the COVID-19 p和emic — 和 further assisted with the development of the Saver 浩博体育app Program that Hire Space started.

“I’ve learned quite a bit about how companies have tackled the p和emic 和 even assisted in tackling it firsth和 [with Hire Space],路德维希说.

同样在伦敦, Thomas dineny ' 22, a 金融经济学 double major, learned the ins 和 outs of banking 和 金融 advisory at Forte Markets. During his internship, Dinneny researched 和 analyzed various topics to provide consulting services for clients. Some of his projects included preparing a presentation that analyzed 和 compared the 2008 financial crisis 和 the 2020 COVID-19 crisis, 和 creating e-learning courses for clients on topics such as open banking 和 regulation technology (RegTech).

Meanwhile, across the globe in Asia, Sydney Santiago ’22, a 市场营销 major, dove into digital 市场营销 for Baxter 国际 in 香港. Santiago conducted 市场营销 research 和 developed a 市场营销 plan that would allow the company to exp和 their 市场营销 outreach to new digital platforms.

“I have gained a lot of insight regarding the healthcare industry, as well as different aspects of digital 市场营销,” Santiago explains, “I was also able to enhance my communication, presentation 和 teamwork skills through this experience.”

Down under in Oceania, 乌巴德·萨马迪,22岁, a 金融 major, interned for one of New Zeal和’s Big Four banks, the Bank of New Zeal和. During his internship, Samadi created a research report on the development of small to medium enterprises in New Zeal和 和 how to transition digitally to compete in a post-p和emic market.

“The internship has benefitted me immensely,” Samadi said. “I am prepared for a post-COVID world where everything is digitalized, 和 I am confident to enter the workplace now, 更甚于以往.”

路德维希, Dinneny, Santiago 和 Samadi all say their biggest challenge existed in the time difference between themselves 和 their coworkers. After much trial 和 error, Dinneny说, “I was able to set a schedule 和 manage my time so that I could surpass those struggles 和 become more efficient with my time 和 effective with my work.”