
谢尔比史密斯 ’12 says she is as close to doing the work she was put on earth to do as she will ever be.

作为费城辩护律师协会凶案组的专家, Smith writes mitigation reports that a judge or jury can use to consider a defendant’s life experience when sentencing.

“While this is a researched-based document that is submitted to the court as evidence, 它必须引人注目,史密斯说. “It highlights those life events that shaped the defendant 和 accounts for how the defendant came to be where they are today. 必须有人读过这份报告并真正关心被告.”

Smith说道:“我所做的关键便是讲故事. 史密斯和 阿纳斯塔西娅Ballasy ’21艾莉森Cerri ’19, participated in Susquehanna’s annual Break Through student-alumni professional networking conference.

浩博体育app毕业生利用学位的众多方式中,史密斯是一个独特的例子 创意写作.

Ballasy is a compensation analyst with Hershey Entertainment 和 Resorts where she drafts 和 edits job descriptions.

“When working with job descriptions you want to make sure that the language you’re using makes sense within the industry 和 is interesting 和 appeals to applicants,巴拉西解释道.

Cerri is an associate publicist for HarperCollins Publishers where she promotes books that span across genres, 从回忆录到自助,再到文学小说.

“图书出版一直是我的兴趣所在, 但当我在神童公关公司实习时,图书宣传成了我的热情所在, 一家精品图书宣传公司,切莉说。. “I began my journey with HarperCollins as a publicity intern with William Morrow the summer after graduating from Susquehanna 和 I joined the HarperOne Group as an assistant publicist in 2020.”

对60多名学生演讲, Ballasy, Cerri 和 Smith encouraged them to pursue classes outside of their major that support their future career goals — like taking business courses if pursuing a career in publishing or political science classes if they want to work within the criminal justice system — while also ensuring their writing 和 editing skills are sharp.

史密斯说:“我的写作学位使我在目前的职位上不可或缺。. “I have to write in such a way that I can compel a judge 和 jury’s humanity 和 that has made a massive difference.”