The Home Advantage for Sports Media Program

Fall 2018 Issue

甚至在吉安卡洛·斯坦顿作为纽约洋基队的最新成员被介绍给全国媒体之前, Sean Rodriguez ’19 saw him in pinstripes. Rodriguez, then a junior, 去年12月,当斯坦顿, attired in his Yankee pinstripe jersey for the first time, 在去新闻发布会的路上,从他身边走过,介绍这位强击手成为布朗克斯轰炸机队的新成员.

“It was awesome,” says Rodriguez, 和另外三个来自萨斯奎哈纳的体育媒体专业人士一起在佛罗里达酒店参加职业棒球冬季会议的人. “One minute, I’m walking around the lobby, and the next minute, there is Giancarlo Stanton right next to me.”

罗德里格斯和他的同学们参加冬季会议并不是为了和斯坦顿交往, though. Instead, 作为年度职业棒球招聘会的一部分,他们在那里与潜在的雇主接触.

这是连续第二年有四名萨斯奎哈纳体育媒体专业的学生参加了这次活动, thanks to the support of Ken ’68 and Betsy Selinger and the late John Raab ’62. Their generosity enabled four students-Cory Fallon ’17, Alexa Gonzalez ’19, Kirsten Hatton ’19 and Dylan Smith ’18-to attend the Winter Meetings in National Harbor, Md., in December 2017, followed by Rodriguez and three classmates-Alex Kurtz ’19, Andrew Porzio ’18 and Mark Weaver ’19- who participated in the event in Orlando this past year.

Of those eight students, the three who have since graduated have all landed positions in the sports media field: Fallon works for Major League Baseball Advanced Media; Porzio is a football production assistant for ESPN in Bristol, Conn.; and Smith is working in the Sports Information Office at St. John’s University in Queens, N.Y.他还在美国攻读体育管理硕士学位. 参加棒球冬季会议和相关的研讨会让学生们尝到了在体育媒体取得成功的滋味,并影响了他们随后的求职策略.

“It was an eye-opening experience, 它帮助我巩固了我想要做的事情,并让我进一步明确了如何才能把我的体育媒体学位付诸实践,” Porzio says.

Adds Smith, “无论是参加冬季会议,还是我在萨斯奎汉纳大学获得的其他机会, 事实上,浩博体育app为体育传媒专业的学生提供了最好的成功机会.”

That includes bringing first-class speakers to campus. Last fall, 《浩博体育app网站》体育专栏作家乔治·维西和WFAN洋基电台记者斯威尼·穆尔蒂分别访问了校园, 在那里,他们参加了学生制作的视频,突出了他们的职业生涯,并为有抱负的体育媒体专业人士提供了建议. 穆尔蒂还与WQSU电台的几名体育工作人员一起参加了一个体育谈话圆桌会议,并对几个班级进行了演讲.

“It was a wonderful learning experience interacting with Mr. Murti,” says Kirsten Hatton ’19今年,她将成为WQSU 50年历史上第二位女性体育总监. “He was very engaging and shared a ton of wonderful insights.”

在体育电台工作了25年的穆尔蒂对自己在苏大的经历同样印象深刻. “看到那里建立的项目,以及这些学生为他们的课程带来的兴奋,我感到非常兴奋,” he says. “我迫不及待地想在棒球场或新闻编辑室再次见到这些孩子.”

When SU students reach the press boxes and sidelines, 他们将在从视频和音频制作到印刷新闻的各个方面接受良好的训练, says David Kaszuba传播学副教授兼浩博体育app体育媒体项目主任.

“我们已经制定了一个课程,为我们的体育媒体专业学生奠定了基础,使他们能够在一个充满挑战和不断发展的领域脱颖而出. 他们将知道如何讲述一个故事,无论是在视觉上还是在写作上. And, as is consistent with a liberal arts education, 他们进入这个领域时知道,所有的工作——即使是在像体育这样的娱乐行业——都是通过专业标准来提高的, ethical behavior and the forging of meaningful relationships.”

卡祖巴补充说,萨斯奎哈纳刚刚得到体育媒体女性协会的批准,可以成立一个学生分会, in what was a highly competitive application process. 分会帮助学生学习如何在行业中取得成功,并提高对女性在追求此类职业时面临的问题的认识.

According to fellow faculty member John Foltz ’73, 专业技能和观点是由学生培养的,而不仅仅是在课堂上, but also as part of rich cocurricular activities, including working with WQSU radio, The Quill newspaper and the LensFlare video production team. LensFlare students, for example, produce livestreams of many SU sporting events each year, 包括所有的主场足球比赛和其他一些体育比赛. 对视频制作感兴趣的学生也有机会参加每周录制的《浩博体育app》和《浩博体育app网站》, 两个访谈节目是在大学最先进的视频制作工作室拍摄和制作的.

“我们可能比其他大学的一些体育媒体项目要小, 但我们不会让我们的设备和设施退居二线,” says Foltz, the founder of LensFlare. “Plus, our size gives students a real advantage; they not only receive one-on-one attention, 但他们并没有被要求等到大三或大四才触摸设备或站在麦克风后面. 从第一天开始,学生们就可以随心所欲地参与其中.”

在此过程中,学生们还与加州大学的校友建立了联系 Brian Papson ’99他是美国国家橄榄球联盟费城老鹰队的营销副总裁. In May, 帕普森邀请了一群体育媒体专业的学生参观球队的行政办公室和训练设施, as well as a tour of Lincoln Financial Field.

Gian Fabian ’20 describes the experience as affirming. “听到布莱恩的谈话,看到老鹰队的运作,让我更加确信体育媒体是我的专业. I am very at home in this major.”

The major is home, in fact, for 26 majors presently, including Rave’n-DaJon Coleman ’20, who also was on the Eagles trip. As she says, “To network with professionals, to be on radio, 为游戏制作工作……这让我觉得从事体育媒体职业的所有可能性都很真实. It makes things feel within reach.”

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