Fall 2017 Issue

Susan Little Lantz, Vice President for Student Life

Susan Little Lantz, Ed.D., joined Susquehanna this summer as vice president for student life. She brings extensive experience and an impressive skillset to the position, having worked as an instructor in the Higher Education Graduate Program at Pennsylvania State University, as dean of students at Bucknell University, associate dean of students for Lehigh University and director of student programs and director of Greek life and off-campus housing at Millersville University. Here’s what she had to tell Susquehanna Currents as the university geared up for the 2017-18 academic year.

SC: What impressed you most about SU and made you say, “Yes, that’s the place I want to work”?

SL: I was drawn to SU’s Division of Student Life due to the talented and motivated students, the dedicated professional staff members, the collaborative faculty, and the unique living-learning opportunities created for our students. My campus visit and the people I met–caring, dedicated, interested students, faculty and staff–cemented my resolve to want to be a part of Susquehanna. I have felt welcomed since my first day on campus and know I made the right decision for my next professional adventure.

SC: The student life division on any college campus encompasses multiple offices and oversees scores of staff members. What is your approach to managing the interrelated but sometimes differing needs of the offices and staff reporting to you?

SL: My approach in managing the different departments is to remember that we all, regardless of department and position, have the same goals of supporting and challenging our students, and providing students with opportunities to engage in diverse experiences. I appreciate working with a collaborative and inclusive team, which is one of the many reasons I am enjoying working at Susquehanna. The staff members within the Division of Student Life are talented individuals who have incredible expertise in their fields.

SC: What do you hope to accomplish in this first year on the job?

SL: I am currently working with colleagues to create a vision and mission for student life that will direct our policies, procedures and programs. We are looking at what works well within our division and finding ways to duplicate the most exciting, engaging and effective practices. I am also committed to building additional partnerships with faculty members. It is important that academics and student life intentionally build an integrated experience for students. I am excited to work together with faculty to create more opportunities for meaningful collaborations.

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